New Membership Application Form


Shall be adults, (18 years and over) and have an ongoing interest in cats and their welfare. Full Members who are financial with the Society shall be entitled to one vote. All applicants for FULL membership may already be a financial member of a Club which has been approved as an affiliate member of the Society. Only Full and or Life Members shall be entitled to register a Prefix/Cattery Name with the Society and/or to apply for the registration of entire unaltered breeding cats.


Shall be adults, (18 years and over), other than a full member, who are interested in cats. They shall have no voting rights nor shall they be eligible for election to any office, but shall be entitled to receive publications of the Society, either gratuitously or at a charge and shall have speaking rights at General Meetings of the Society. Associate Members shall be entitled to Register Household Pet Cats that are neutered or spayed, without a Prefix or Cattery Name.

catz inc registration number


Shall be any person under 18 years of age, interested in cats. They shall have no voting rights nor shall they be eligible for election to any office, but they shall be entitled to receive publications of the Society, either gratuitously or at a charge and shall have speaking rights at General Meetings of the Society. Junior Members shall be entitled to Register Household Pet Cats that are neutered or spayed, without a Prefix/Cattery Name.

The Constitution states that Membership is NOT automatic and shall be deemed a privilege. The Board of Directors shall reserve the right on behalf of Catz, to decline ANY application for membership.

Memebership Form

    Type of Membership*
    Full ($35)Associate ($15)Additional Family Members (Full) ($20)Junior (under 18 years of age) ($10)

    Breed Sections: Breeders only can nominate all breeds that you currently breed.

    I agree to the following information being published in Catz Inc. publications and on the Catz Inc. website. Please tick as appropiate.

    I consent to be bound by and submit to the Catz Inc Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Code of Ethics as may be amended from time to time. Catz Inc. is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act relating to all personal information container herein. Information collected by Catz Inc. will only be utilised for purposes essential to conduct the business of Catz Inc. and will not be divulged to a third party unless authorised by the person providing the information. I hereby authorise the release of such information as is indicated above to promote my prefix/prefixes in Catz Inc. written and web based publications from time to time.Catz Inc. as indicated above has my permission to confirm my membership of that club to the genersal secretary. You will also automatically be added to the Catz Inc. no-reply email so that you recieve all information you need from the Board of Directors.*

    Todays Date*

    Payment Options*

    Direct Banking

    ASB BANK: Catz Incorporated

    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 12-3136-0024320-00


    CODE: What the payment is for i.e. M ship

    Please note that if your payment has not got the correct reference and code details your membership/payment will not be able to be confirm and therefore processed and you will need to email proof of payment.

    Sandi Mackay, Ph: 09 483 3032 or email:
