CATZ Incorporated Shows are innovative, friendly and exciting for all who participate.
Our Shows follow an American format, with Multiple Ring Judging and where the exhibits are brought from their benching cages up to the Judging Rings and placed into holding cages for assessment.
Our benching cages are modern, large and comfortable for the cats and may be hired for a nominal fee or purchased and brought to the show by the exhibitor. Benching cages may be decorated and exhibitors may place advertising or previous wins on their cages for public viewing.
Our judges are trained to speak about each breed, demonstrating the finer points and characteristics that make each breed unique.
Plastic ribbons are placed upon the cages in view of everyone, to indicate the placement of awards within each colour and breed grouping.
Exhibit numbers are called to indicate finals placings and the judge will hang Rosettes and/or other awards on the cages when presenting the top placements.
Entire Cats, Neuter or Spayed Cats and Household Pets all compete equally, for Titles and National wins.
New Breeds and Colours are showcased in the NBC Category, giving them an opportunity to be presented publicly and recognized for meritorious improvement within their respective colour or breed.